Interested in mousmedia services?
Website reservations can be done online, Fast, Easy, Safe and do not waste much time on the road.
The following is How to Order on Mousmedia, if you have difficulty in ordering a website the mousmedia team is ready to help 7 / 24H to help solve your problem. Don’t hesitate to contact us.
We realize that many of us may still be laymen and do not understand how to order Mousmedia services, many also do not know the terms and conditions in making your first website. The following are the terms and conditions for ordering a website on mousmedia:
- Prepare data that will be displayed on your website such as photos, addresses, contacts, vision & mission, description of your company, data on your products / services. The file is typed in Microsoft Word, if you have other files that will be displayed, please make it one folder. Data will be submitted to the mousmedia team
- Payment of mousmedia services money is 100% upfront. (Does Not Apply to Custom Services)
- All website development services on mousmedia include hosting and domain for 1 year.
- In the following year you will only be charged a website renewal fee in accordance with the package taken. See Package here. (Does not apply to custom services)
- Consultation services can be via Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Tel, Email, Contacts, live chat.
- The website works for 30 working days (Depending on the level of difficulty, job queue and also the length of the file we received)
- Maximum revisions are made 3 times after the development phase is complete. (Depends on the selected service)
*Outside of the conditions we mentioned above, please contact us.
How to Order Website Creation on mousmedia
Step 1:
The client chooses a suitable website package for him.
Step 2 :
Clients can contact us via:
1. Telp / WhatsApp : 081 246402420
2. Email = hello@mousmedia.net
3. Contact Form
4. live chat which is on the right hand corner.
The message sent contains the name of the package chosen and the domain name to be used.
Step 3:
The client checks the incoming message, then conducts a discussion about the selected service.
Step 4:
mousmedia gives a message containing the total cost to be paid by the customer. Payment of 100% is required in advance to start the work process.
Step 5:
Deal Price Website creation services / Project.
Step 6:
The client processes payments through ATM / m-banking / Internet Banking / Bank Transfer / Cash.
Step 7:
After making a payment the Customer is required to confirm payment to Mousmedia because we only check confirmed payments. (Not valid for cash payments)
Step 8:
After we receive your payment and have entered, we will immediately process your order. You can cancel a website order no later than 2 days after you order. You need to know, if we have bought a domain name and hosting for you and suddenly you cancel a website reservation, your money cannot be withdrawn.
Step 9:
mousmedia will start gathering information about your website’s needs and also ask the client to immediately provide the material and content needed to make the website, for example a company logo (if it’s in the form of a Vector or PSD), photos and also product or service information that will be offered / put on the client website.
Step 10:
mousmedia will recommend which templates / designs are good and can be used for the Client’s website. Clients can also choose the template / design that will be used in the Gallery Themes page. If the client has chosen a Theme and agreed, WPBaliweb will advance to the next stage.
Step 11:
Domain Registration & Hosting.
Step 12:
Mousmedia will start working on the website or web development. (Please be patient during the process of working on your website)
Step 13:
Congratulations Your Website is Online.