What is SEO and SEO indicators in website – There are several ways that you can make a website popular on Google, one of which is with content that is familiar with the keywords that are searched by others. There are paid methods to make your website popular on Google, but this method is not recommended. Another way is to contact a professional SEO service to increase the readability of your website on Google.
What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Search engine optimization or SEO is a way to optimize / optimize a website so that it gets top rankings in search results. By increasing SEO on a website, the website will get a good rank on search engines and potentially get organic traffic.
In addition to generating high traffic, SEO also helps you to get visitors on target. You not only focus on high traffic, but traffic with visitors that fits your website’s goals.
Seo illustration in a simple endeavor
Website is like our business. The more people visit our business, the greater the possibility of sales. And the steps to make our business busy, also require a lot of cost and effort. These steps are called SEO on the internet.
How Seo works on search engines
Search engines use an algorithm to determine the appropriate content to be placed on the first page / top ranking of search results. This applies to all search engines whether google, yahoo, bing, etc. Seo Technique Works by:
Crawling website
Crawling / crawling is the process of retrieving web pages that are linked to the web. This task is carried out by AI / robot called crawlers / spiders and googlebot search engines / search engines
Website Indexing
Indexing is the process of indexing web pages that have been submitted and crowded into a search engine database. This indexing process is identified from the words / writings and descriptions that are on the web page to be entered into the search engine with certain keywords so that they appear in search engines.
Processing is the process by which the search engine accepts when it receives a request from the user to search the specified keywords. for example by typing the keyword “Understanding Seo mousmedia” into a search engine, the search engine will compare the keyword “Understanding Seo mousmedia” with other pages from various websites that have been indexed in the search engine.
Calculating Relevancy
In the website pages, there must be more than one example keyword in the keyword “Pengertiang Seo Website for beginners”, so the search engine performs the process by calculating the relevance of each page that has been indexed for each keyword received.
8 SEO Indicators That Determine Website Success
Indicators are statistics of normative matters that concern us that can help us in making concise, comprehensive, and balanced assessments of conditions or important aspects.
Seo main indicator is always changing, this indicator changes depending on the search engine algorithm. If a search engine updates its algorithm, this Seo indicator will change too.
URL Structure on the Website
A simple URL structure makes it easy for search engines to index and address the main topics that you discuss on your website. should make the url structure as simple as possible, a good url structure contains enough domain names and article titles. Example of a good url structure is “https://domain.com/jtitartikel”.
Use of SSL / TLS for website security and website visitor comfort
Search engines prioritize websites that contain ssl / tls. Because Website with SSL / TLS secures the website by encrypting all data transfers that occur on the website. in addition, some browser providers such as Google Chrome have marked websites without SSL / TLS as not secure.
Also Read:What is SSL certificates and SSL certificate types
Topic of relevant content for visitors
You must have a main topic that is related to each other to support a good website and SEO structure. After knowing the topic you need to create content about that topic. The more content that addresses an interrelated topic, the greater the likelihood that your website will appear on the first page of search engines. Websites that have good and interrelated content will be more easily recognized by search engines
Search Intent on Keywords
One Keyword can include two or more different things. For example, when entering the keyword “website” on search engines, the top search results will display various website services, and related to the website. So Search Engines prioritize pages that contain content according to the search intent of most users.
Content structure that makes it easy for readers
In addition to relevant content, you must also make content that is easy to understand. Content with good structure will make it easier for readers to find the answers.the method is quite easy, using headings for headings and sub headings for important points in the content. You can also add images to help understand your content.
Proper Meta Tags and easy to index by Google
Meta Tags Consists of the title tag and meta description. Its function is to help Google to understand the overall content on your website. The title of the article cannot be too long because Google will cut it according to applicable standards. Second, meta description is text that summarizes your content in search results. Meta description usually consists of 120 to 130 characters.
Backlinks that have a High Da Pa
The more backlinks to your website, Google will assume your website has high credibility. However, the backlink must also come from quality websites or blogs, not low quality blogs or websites.
Website Speed To Facilitate Search Engine Robots
Website loading speed plays an important role in your SEO. Since 2018, Google has determined website loading speed (on desktops and mobile devices) as one of the main indicators of SEO. The faster the website loads, the more likely it is to get a higher ranking in Google’s search results.
Benefits of Professional Website SEO & Maintenance Services for You:
If you do not understand very well about SEO for websites, you can ask for help to SEO services that offer professional services. In addition to providing consultations about SEO, the service provider can also help improve your website to improve SEO.
Professional SEO services usually charge a commensurate price when compared to the benefits you feel. You only need to explain the requirements needed for your website. For example, when you create a website to sell, submit sales targets and profits that you have set up. Evaluate the use of these SEO services every month.
Mousmedia is one of the leading companies in website development and Professional Website SEO & Maintenance service providers. Mousmedia has the best Maintenance team to match your target market. Mousmedia is your website’s SEO solution. Mousmedia will provide optimal SEO & website maintenance services so that you don’t have to worry about your website anymore.
There are several benefits that you can get by entrusting SEO website to Mousmedia, such as :
1. Increase Website Traffic
With good SEO, visitors who access your website will increase. It will benefit if you put an ad on the website so that there are bags of rupiah that go into your pocket. In addition, if your website offers buying and selling, you can get profits with the many people who are aware of your website.
2. Your Website’s Search Position is High
Before bringing in visitors, good SEO will make your website posted on the first page of Google if someone is searching for the appropriate keywords. Placing your website on the first page of Google can indeed be done by paying, but SEO agencies can provide cheaper and organic solutions.
3. Save Time and Energy
By using SEO services, you do not need to bother spending time fiddling with your website to be popular on Google. You can do other work and entrust SEO matters to the experts. You can develop your website content without having to think about SEO problems. Your time can be saved but also does not need to drain a lot of energy.
4. Adding Visitor Trust
A popular and widely accessed website means gaining trust from internet users. This is inseparable from the high level of SEO on Google. If you already get the trust, you must manage it so as not to disappoint visitors. How, by providing interesting content and regularly updated. Visitors can also be loyal to your website that way.
5. Bring in New Visitors
The website will grow if the number of visitors continues to grow. One effort to increase the number of new visitors coming to your website is to improve SEO through Mousmedia services. The number of visitors who are interested in your content will also increase along with good SEO numbers and recommended by Google.